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Theology, Apologetics, and other things

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Biblical Demonology Part Four: The Destroyer

The Destroyer is a puzzling character. He's mentioned literally one time, in the classic Exodus 12. There's no context and it's never...

Satan's Dark and Creepy Underworld

The word Hell actually comes from Norse Mythology, so I won't use it here. I have a lot of problems with the Christian idea of the...

Justice: Satanic or Godly?

Frankly, Christianity can be confusing. Why did Jesus have to get tortured to death? The typical answer is 'God has to stay Just.' Oh...

Biblical Demonology part three: Chaos Beasts

In the Zedek and Sophia post, we talked a lot about Proverbs in connection with wisdom. Today, we're going to talk about Job, the second...

The Many Crowns of Revelation

When John reaches the Third Heaven he sees God on his throne, the four Living Creatures around him, the glassy sea, the Sevenfold Spirit...

Biblical Demonology part two: Lucifer

If you asked the average person what Satan's backstory was, they'd probably say that he used to be God's right-hand man, an angel named...

Biblical Demonology Part One: The Government

What if I told you that insane conspiracy theories about a dark World Order of demons running the government have their roots in the...

Biblical Angelology part five: Armies of Flame

We come now to what is probably the least explored of the Angelic Spheres. The Messenger Yahweh, the Angel of Death and the Logos are...

The Godless of Jude

Like many other epistles, the Book of Jude is a rebuke directed at certain people in a church or a congregation. However, unlike most...

Who and What is the Trinity?

The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Justice, Mercy and Love. Truth, Goodness and Beauty. The Trinity is one of the most elusive...

Biblical Angelology part two: the Archangel

The Heavenly Beings we'll discuss today are the Archangels. And yet, that's false. The first sentence of this article was a...

Biblical Angelology part one: the Highest Heaven

Angels are a very interesting topic for many Christians. Today, I'm going to examine what the Bible actually says, as well as bust some...


This is the beginning of a new blog which I will be adding to on a very informal basis. I will basically write about anything I think of,...

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